Today as many know in the United States is a day of many things. For some it is a day of sadness, for others a day of soul searching and thoughtful dialogue. I still remember coming out of Literature class during my sophomore year at WSSU and looking at the TV in amazement. I remember the words of Dr. Shaw (Political Science Professor at WSSU) discussing how he hoped that people would not rush into hateful deeds because of what has just happened. I remember trying to call people to make sure that they were alright.
It’s so strange how things take on a different meaning once one lives in another country during days of importance in the US. Fourth of July was nothing spectacular for me, I didn’t leave my site, and ended watching Independence Day (ironic, I know) in Spanish with one of my host brothers. 9/11 though, is a different story. It is one where people know what happened, but don’t necessarily understand why it happened. This leads to speculation of all sorts, and of course people at my site are no strangers to making their own up. Some believe me to be a spy here for some malevolent government agency, as to which I tell them that I am just a volunteer, and then ask as to what reason I would have to be one in Costa Rica. The question has come up from children and adults alike as to my thoughts on what happened, and also the “Pastor” who wanted to burn the Quran.
I tell them that it is a sad day, and a day that I will never forget. I tell them also that there are bad people in every place in the world just like there are good people. I let them know that instead of hating that I try to understand. I don’t speculate on things that I know nothing about, especially when it comes to US policy. I just tell them that I have friends from all walks of life, all religions, and all races; and that they all represent the United States. I encourage them to get to know someone outside of their regular pattern in life and try to understand them. They have been really understanding of me in the regard of this day, though I have not asked for much. I do think that, even though there are parties and rodeos going on tonight, it’s going to be a quiet evening for me. I strive to be more like the God that I serve, though often times falling like 1000 miles short.
I think I will leave on a quote from “My Type” from the album TI vs. TIP-“Life ain’t always and dream and horrible sh*t happens”. Today is truly the remembrance of a horrible day in global history, but with the darkness comes the light, and hopefully one day people can sit down and try to discuss such events with people of other cultures so that such events don’t
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