Saturday, September 11, 2010

Changes...And Epiphanies (post in the pocket)

Well I know I said that this was going to be the picture entry, but I don’t feel like taking the time to put pictures up right now, that and the fact that the Escuela as well as most of the town is on vacation, which leaves me on battery power and not external. I was having a conversation with my little sister last night about the whole Lebronolacolypse nonsense that was going on. Maybe this is a sign of my changing when the final for the World Cup is more important than Lebron going to Miami. I’m not knocking anyone who is elated that he is going, just saying that it just doesn’t hold the same importance to me anymore, that’s all.

I’ve had a lot of time to listen to music as of late, but can’t stop listening to track 15 on Paper Trail, and track 18 on T.I. VS T.I.P. I guess I have just reached the point where the cards will fall where they may. No I am not leaving Costa Rica, just taking a step and looking at what used to be important. Maybe because I am on the outside looking in some things have changed. Oh, yeah, can’t forget “Curtain Call” from Little Brother. It’s just that my conversations are starting to change, and certain things just don’t reach me, or maybe I’ve stopped reaching for them. I remember during training I was really trying to find out what was going on during the NCAA championship, granted it was important at the time.

I know Eric is somewhere reading this, shaking his head, and saying, “Damn, it’s starting…”, and Big Kuntry (Kashara!!! What up?!?!) Called it, “That dude status”, but maybe I’ve always been, and will continue to be that dude that just swims against the current. Maybe what I want or think is important just isn’t and I should shut my mouth, turn around and swim with everyone else. Oh well, either way it goes, things are changing like the skies are during the rainy season. Seriously, what are things that you may deem to be just ultra important that if you go a week, or let’s say a month without it wouldn’t seem that important anymore?

I’ll finish this with a thought I had last year during the NCAA tourney (when it was important):

“You know the reason Carolina won? It’s because Michigan State was playing like they were happy to be there, while Carolina was playing like they were supposed to be there…” Now I will expand on said quote, “Just because you have won a championship doesn’t mean you stop with one ring. Keep winning, which means you have to do some things to change the formula for what the game has to offer for each phase of your career, whether it is that you train harder, brush up on fundamentals, switch up your routine or reading materials, or update your vision. Sometimes, players have to recruit to make the team better, but once that star is recruited the player and the team have to work harder to retain that player or star.”

I remember when I wrote this, it was mid July. I was feeling some kind of way that night. It was originally supposed to go out during that time, but looking on it now, my thoughts have changes a little, well a lot. There are things that you do need out here that keep you connected to what is going on at home. Sometimes you do need things that may not be all that relevant to you, but are relevant to those who are at home helping to support what you are doing. I had to realize that just because I am in another country doesn’t mean that I stop liking the Yankees or hating the Braves… That is part of who I am.

This is my favorite time of year for those who know me in the States, and while at In Service Training I had the chance to hang out with friends and watch some preseason American Football. It may not be important to the people here, but it is important to me, and that was my epiphany, so I owe Jessica an apology. She may not have known it but I wasn’t the happiest of campers about the whole Lebacle, and I know she likes the Heat. Am I happy that he’s down there, not really, will it be cool to see another team win the NBA finals other than the Lakers or the Heat, you bet! I stand by my quote earlier, but also realize that this does change the face of the game. Even in Majenga (pick up games) down here, not all of the best players are on the same team because it is a lot more fun for them to try to beat each other, than to try to squash the people who are not that good in one super team.

I know some people are saying, “How can a Yankees fan say something like this when it seems as if your team has ‘bought’ all of their rings?” Let’s get something straight… I think John Kruk said it best after the Series last year “You spend money, you win championships”. That is not to say that Cashman hasn’t gone out of his way to acquire certain players, but let’s look at the core of the club. Jeter, Cano, Riviera, Pettite, and Posada. What do these five men have in common??? They all came out of the Yankees farm system; they are the blue collar men in NY. Look at all of the championship teams of the past 20 years and you will see the farm system presence there anchoring the team and making people around them better; whether it be O’Neil or Broscious. You can even look at the current coach, who is a Yankees product who just came home.

So I will close with this, you can’t buy fine things and put them in a dilapidated house; because they will stick out, you may get robbed, or these things may get lost to another because you can’t hold on to them. First establish the house with things that are original to you and then bring in things to compliment the original pieces.


  1. You still forgot to post a comment buddy. I know this blog is also about your personal growth, but what about the things that you are seeing down there? What are your English classes like? You moved out of your host family's home, How is it to be on your own? Just things to think about when you write your next entry... Which will will four monthes later. LOL.

  2. I will get to those, just been trying to mull over the presentation of it. I don't want anyone to get worried and call Washington as it concerns my well being. Also, I know that this stuff somehow may get back to my community, so I must choose my words with care because I may end up eating them. 4 months buddy??? Word???
